Wednesday, March 10, 2010


A much delayed Project #1 post. I thought I'd go ahead and explain how our piece turned out. The play piece was performed by the whole team. I prepared a video beforehand of exactly what I was going to do, then mimed it during the piece to ensure no issues like timing or internet loss would interrupt. Probably a good idea considering the flakey internet access in the upstairs studio.

The piece featured two projectors, one fancy new one (thanks Simone!) connected to a computer and one old school style projector for displaying writing. When the presentation began, we both began "writing" a paper. However various things like Instant messages, emails, and links distracted me also one phone call from a teammate hiding in the middle of the audience. The other two teammates had their computers either playing music or messaging sounds. When we came to the finale, the old style projector writer finished writing his paper (which admittedly ended up being short despite claims he was a fast writer.) I buried my frustrated head as my screen faded into the video you see below.

Ultimately the piece went off with only a few flaws. Because i had to switch to another computer, the computer key were more sensitive so miming typing was difficult without hit keys. Also the call had me pause the video in the script for me to talk, however the latest version of Quicktime on his computer showed the video controls when paused (unlike my vers.) which killed the illusion I was actively using the computer. We strayed a little from the script during the phone conversation but it was hardly noticeable.

The results were mixed but good for the most part. The audience and teachers could tell what we were trying to do, and the criticism was fair. Our presentation really lacked an obvious beginning, something to indicate what we were doing. Instead it kind of started in sort of a disorganized nod of heads. As well the performances by he group members were good but confusing, this was intended but it could have also taken away from our objective.

I feel the piece went through pretty well, although the strongest part was probably the focus screen. The rest seemed to be a little bit more filler than really saying something special. But hey, who doesn't love dramatic chipmunk?

1 comment:

  1. By the way, If you are wondering what the text it says around the focus word. It just repeats: You think you can concentrate, over and over again. The effect is a fun combination of photoshop blue filter options and FCP functions.
