Friday, March 12, 2010

All Senses but Sight

Well our ideas for this has varied over the previous meetings of our group. We finally settled on a sound cone style manipulation of the subject's hearing. Ultimately we wanted an experience that would upset our perception of balance and where we get it from. That somehow disorientation of seemingly unrelated senses could upset balance just as much as a restriction of sight.

Some of my first ideas varied from weather simulation in the dark to measuring distances using lasers.
Initial Ideas
- Sunglass with lasers that tell you the distance from an object and beep when within a certain distance

- Black Human sized can, simulate weather through holes so you feel it instead of see it.

- Covering eyes in darkness using painted white lab goggles. Then using various speakers at different legnths to fool a person into misreading a space.
: Rehashing- give person headphones, then another person controller. The other person directs the blind person using beeping sounds in the headphones.
Front, forward, left and right all direct the beeping to direct the person around. Different sounds for stop and go.

- How well can we trust sound? / other people?
: Use the same painted lab goggles to blind the person
: Variations of this using different things, vibrating devices attached to body to give direction instead?
: A beeper beep and vibration at 4 angles on the knees, each one indicates the direction one should head. The beeps and vibrations directed by someone else watching the blind person.

The Official Project Idea
Sound Cone Experience
The Concept: Using a pair of cut sound cones we attach via headphones clip, we limit hearing to behind oneself. The idea is the balance of the person is thrown off considering our orientation is drawn from forward sound. To further disorientate the person, we will attach a sound modulating device to them, which we will have ear buds wire up into their ears. The idea being that their voice sounds different not just on the outside, but the inside of their head as well.

The Materials:
- Plastic Cone
- Headphones band
- Tape/ adhesives
- Earbuds
- Real-time Voice Modulator (like a kid's toy) +headphone jack
- Paint

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