Friday, April 23, 2010
Techsuality (part 1)
Monday, April 12, 2010
K'nex Fun!
Cock Projector
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Stop Motion Mania 2!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Chat Roulette
Friday, March 12, 2010
All Senses but Sight
Some of my first ideas varied from weather simulation in the dark to measuring distances using lasers.
Initial Ideas
- Sunglass with lasers that tell you the distance from an object and beep when within a certain distance
- Black Human sized can, simulate weather through holes so you feel it instead of see it.
- Covering eyes in darkness using painted white lab goggles. Then using various speakers at different legnths to fool a person into misreading a space.
: Rehashing- give person headphones, then another person controller. The other person directs the blind person using beeping sounds in the headphones.
Front, forward, left and right all direct the beeping to direct the person around. Different sounds for stop and go.
: Variations of this using different things, vibrating devices attached to body to give direction instead?
Sound Cone Experience
The Concept: Using a pair of cut sound cones we attach via headphones clip, we limit hearing to behind oneself. The idea is the balance of the person is thrown off considering our orientation is drawn from forward sound. To further disorientate the person, we will attach a sound modulating device to them, which we will have ear buds wire up into their ears. The idea being that their voice sounds different not just on the outside, but the inside of their head as well.
The Materials:
- Plastic Cone
- Headphones band
- Tape/ adhesives
- Earbuds
- Real-time Voice Modulator (like a kid's toy) +headphone jack
- Paint
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The piece featured two projectors, one fancy new one (thanks Simone!) connected to a computer and one old school style projector for displaying writing. When the presentation began, we both began "writing" a paper. However various things like Instant messages, emails, and links distracted me also one phone call from a teammate hiding in the middle of the audience. The other two teammates had their computers either playing music or messaging sounds. When we came to the finale, the old style projector writer finished writing his paper (which admittedly ended up being short despite claims he was a fast writer.) I buried my frustrated head as my screen faded into the video you see below.
Ultimately the piece went off with only a few flaws. Because i had to switch to another computer, the computer key were more sensitive so miming typing was difficult without hit keys. Also the call had me pause the video in the script for me to talk, however the latest version of Quicktime on his computer showed the video controls when paused (unlike my vers.) which killed the illusion I was actively using the computer. We strayed a little from the script during the phone conversation but it was hardly noticeable.
The results were mixed but good for the most part. The audience and teachers could tell what we were trying to do, and the criticism was fair. Our presentation really lacked an obvious beginning, something to indicate what we were doing. Instead it kind of started in sort of a disorganized nod of heads. As well the performances by he group members were good but confusing, this was intended but it could have also taken away from our objective.
I feel the piece went through pretty well, although the strongest part was probably the focus screen. The rest seemed to be a little bit more filler than really saying something special. But hey, who doesn't love dramatic chipmunk?
Thursday, February 25, 2010
VCR DJ's and Morse Coding Walkie Talkies

The second presentation was give on the curious experiment our group had with circuit bending. Our main idea started with cracking open a few VCRs, figuring out how the work, and then mixing together VCR footage via projector and a mixer with a few speakers. We made alot of progress, unscrewing the circuit boards and reactivating broken VCR button controls.
Ultimately we got two of the once broken VCRs to play Home Alone vs. Independence day on projectors. Meanwhile I took a crack at the LG Dare Cellphone, to see if we could make a cellphone beepin lightshow as a backup project. One broken phone, and one broken VCR later we were ready to mix the working 2 VCRs.
-----And then it falls apart------
Unfortunately, due to the lack of covering to protect the fragile VCRs they were damaged in transit. The cell phone deconstruction didn't bring satisfying results, but luckily we had Jake's Walkie Talkies to resort to. (after contemplating making the radios into a tornado or a toilet bowl, which we decided was lame) Jake had the idea to incorporate morse code into the walkie talkies, essentially using a dead language of communication with the modern technology of radio frequencies. We cracked open one of the walkie talkies and managed to alter the circuits so that the beeping sounds could simulate morse code across the same frequency as the other walkie talkie.
It was a success! We pulled together a presentation and translated a o so subtle message about communication and technology into morse code.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Stop Motion Mania!
T- Shirt Wars
Monday, February 1, 2010
The 555 Kubik facade Projection
Apparently the team was aiming to simulate what a building "dreaming" would look like. I guess buildings aspire to be some sort of dynamic shape-shifting Frank Loyd Wright style building.
Incredibly eye catching and unique, this reminds me of the spectacle and scale of that light show in the SIPTU Building in Dublin Ireland.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Ideas, idea, ideas
Possible Ideas for Project #1
Obsession with the Phone/ Computer Communication
- 3D Piece about an Iphone and Blackberry (or other phone) falling in love through texting.
- Various phones in either relationships, or hooking up.
- The texting is read aloud by the voice of the phone carrier
- Commentary on all communication through devices, we pay them more love than people we know
Live Action Video piece about the "difference" humanitarian effort through social networks, online petitions, and twitter
- People think they are making a difference by clicking buttons
- People really make a difference when they rally (reference the gay march for rights in DC, the Tea Baggers, and the actual protests in Iran)
Examples of Useless Online Organizations
Twitter- Iran Protest= Green Square
Facebook- Breast Cancer, Hokie United?,
Online Petitions- Health care, social issues
Question of awareness?
Possible ideas
- Party idea, panning between people actually interacting and people talking into phones or texting in computers
-Take people isolated from their rooms/ houses and put them together and exaggerate the issue of direct communication (technology has made things extremely impersonal, creating social phobias)
- various electronic implying gender and sexual interactions?
- Devices constricted by their own projection/ implied symbolism of our slave to over abundance of information
- 5 people in a circle interaction solely through computer/ or holding up screens for projectors of what they are saying.
- 2-3 peoples stand behind white walls with projections of what they type being shot onto their walls. You cant see what you typed but you can see what others are saying. You can see the eyehole in the wall of what others have said.
- Commentary on the anonymity of others
- Two people (strangers) and one team member
:Two people are legit, probably tell the truth about themselves
:One must lie
- Chatroom anonymity- When the chatting in a room you only get one persons messages?

The New Blog
The name is Chris Russell, however online I am know simply as Pog. My art can be found at other various site such as deviant art, live journal, as well as my own website all to be posted soon to this page.

Mario Bellini
I'd love to have this piece in my house, the light would never be on!