Jason Farman "The Alienation Effect in Violent
Videogames and the Problem of Serious Play" What social issues will video game developers and consumers be dealing with as this gap gets closer and closer?
There is absolutely no doubt that modern gaming has created some serious social issues, and the future does hold some curious sociological changes as interactive gaming gets closer to reality. However, the alarmist speculation that comes from Jason Farman is woefully misinformed. He talks about what effect theatre can have on people when you take away immersion elements, resulting in a more critical audience. I think it is a bit absurd to try to fight the human desire for immersion in a story. The main thing different with today's video game from the rest of the media we've consumed over the years is the interactive element. The question is whether the interactive element combined with full digital immersion could alter our understanding of the real world. I think this is a legitimate concern when the way we actually interact with video games moves beyond controllers, and we experience full immersion. Currently I think the use of controllers and the limited effects of screens does not pose a threat to misunderstanding the
differences between the virtual and reality.
For all the discussion of an interface-less interface, we would need exactly that for us in the virtual world to allow such a phenomena to occur. The real dangerous video games we hear about people losing their lives to these days utilize simple game design principles that bring out the obsessive and collector qualities in us. There may be some cases of trying to live through video games, but this same sort of thing can be seen through social networking and MUCKs. Even then, the people trying to conduct lives through the internet still usually recognize the difference between actions online and in the real world. It certainly isn't healthy for people to lose their lives to video games and online personas, but it doesn't pose an actual danger to larger society.
for those curious, here is the original article: